How to save a project

using design patterns

Dawid Mazur / @dwdmzr
"Experienced" PHP Developer @ Clearcode

Who am I?

  • I'm a developer
  • Used to team lead / PM
  • Trying to be active in the community
  • Also teaching kids IT

Design patterns again?

Why am I doing this?

Why do I need design patterns?

Because just knowing OOP does not make you a great developer

You have to know how to use it effectively


  • They make your code SOLID
  • They are battle-tested
  • They make us understand each other better

Ok, that's pretty neat

but how do I learn these?

The story of the
Ms. Grażynka's project

you won't get this in any book

Dawid Mazur / @dwdmzr
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @ Clearcode

class Invoice {
    public function setStatus(string $status) : void {}
    public function getFullPrice() : float {}

class Contract {
    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {}
    public function printPdf() : void {}

class Contract {
    private function isPaidMonthly() : bool {}
    private function getMonthlyInvoice() : Invoice {}
    private function getFullInvoice() : Invoice {}

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        if ($this->isPaidMonthly()) {
            return $this->getMonthlyInvoice();

        return $this->getFullInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {}

class Contract {
    private function isPaidMonthly() : bool {}
    private function getMonthlyInvoice() : Invoice {}
    private function getFullInvoice() : Invoice {}

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        if ($this->isPaidMonthly()) {
            return $this->getMonthlyInvoice();

        return $this->getFullInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {}


Encapsulating algorithms

interface InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {
    public function generateInvoice() : Invoice;

class MonthlyInvoiceGeneratingStrategy implements InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {
    public function generateInvoice(): Invoice {}

class QuarterlyInvoiceGeneratingStrategy implements InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {
    public function generateInvoice(): Invoice {}

class FullInvoiceGeneratingStrategy implements InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {
    public function generateInvoice(): Invoice {}

class Contract {
    private function isPaidMonthly() : bool {}
    private function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {}

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {}

class Contract {
    private function isPaidMonthly() : bool {}
    private function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy {}

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {}

Factory Method

Encapsulating creation

abstract class Contract {
    abstract protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy;

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {}

class MonthlyPaidContract extends Contract {
    protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new MonthlyInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

class FullyPaidContract extends Contract {
    protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new FullInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

abstract class Contract {
    abstract protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy;
    abstract protected function getPdfPrintingTemplate() : ContractTemplate;

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {
        $template = $this->getPdfPrintingTemplate();
        // do some printing magic
        // (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆

abstract class Contract {
    abstract protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy;
    abstract protected function getPdfPrintingTemplate() : ContractTemplate;

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {
        $template = $this->getPdfPrintingTemplate();
        // do some printing magic
        // (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆

class MonthlyPaidContract extends Contract {
    protected function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new MonthlyInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

    protected function getPdfPrintingTemplate(): ContractTemplate
        return new MonthlyPaidContractTemplate();

Abstract Factory

Encapsulating creation
of a family of objects

abstract class ContractComponentFactory {
    abstract public function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy() : InvoiceGeneratingStrategy;
    abstract public function getPdfPrintingTemplate() : ContractTemplate;

class MonthlyPaidContractComponentFactory extends ContractComponentFactory {
    public function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new MonthlyInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

    public function getPdfPrintingTemplate(): ContractTemplate
        return new MonthlyPaidContractTemplate();

class Contract {
    public function __construct(
        ContractComponentFactory $componentFactory
    ) {
        $this->factory = $componentFactory;

    public function calculateInvoice() : Invoice {
        return $this->factory->getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy()->generateInvoice();

    public function printPdf() : void {
        $template = $this->factory->getPdfPrintingTemplate();
        //	(/ ̄ー ̄)/~~☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆

$contract = new Contract(
	new MonthlyPaidContractComponentFactory()

class OrderContractComponentFactory extends ContractComponentFactory {
    public function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new FullInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

    public function getPdfPrintingTemplate(): ?ContractTemplate
        return null;

class Contract {

    public function printPdf() : void {
        $template = $this->factory->getPdfPrintingTemplate();

        if ($template) {
            // do some printing magic
            // 	(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆

Null Object

An elegant null replacement

class OrderContractComponentFactory extends ContractComponentFactory {
    public function getInvoiceGeneratingStrategy(): InvoiceGeneratingStrategy
        return new FullInvoiceGeneratingStrategy();

    public function getPdfPrintingTemplate(): ContractTemplate
        return new NullContractTemplate();

abstract class ContractTemplate {
    abstract public function getPagesToPrint() : array;

class NullContractTemplate extends ContractTemplate {
    public function getPagesToPrint() : array {
        return [];

class Invoice {
    public function setStatus(string $status) : void {
        switch ($status) {
            case InvoiceStatus::PAID:

        $this->status = $status;

class Invoice {
    public function setStatus(string $status) : void {
        switch ($status) {
            case InvoiceStatus::PAID:
            case InvoiceStatus::OVERDUE:
                    $this->getFullPrice() * 1.25,

        $this->status = $status;


Sharing the state change

interface Observer {
    public function update(Subject $subject) : void;

interface Subject {
    public function attach(Observer $observer) : void;
    public function detach(Observer $observer) : void;
    public function notify(Observer $observer) : void;
    // some helper functions
    public function getStatus() : string;
    public function getFullPrice() : float;
    public function getFullAddress() : string;

class Invoice implements Subject {
    public function attach(Observer $observer) : void {}
    public function detach(Observer $observer) : void {}

    public function notify(Observer $observer) : void {

    public function setStatus(string $status) : void {
        $this->status = $status;

        foreach ($this->observers as $observer) {

class MareczekObserver implements Observer {
    private function dispatchMareczek(float $howMuch, string $address) {}

    public function update(Subject $subject): void
        if ($subject->getStatus() === InvoiceStatus::OVERDUE) {
                $subject->getFullPrice() * 1.25,

class MareczekObserver implements Observer {
    private function dispatchMareczek(float $howMuch, string $currency, string $address) {}

    public function update(Subject $subject): void
        if ($subject->getStatus() === InvoiceStatus::OVERDUE) {
                $subject->getFullPrice() * 1.25,

Mareczek list

  • 1000 x 1,25 = 1250 PLN
  • 500 x 1,25 = 625 EUR
  • 2000 x 1,25 = 2500 DDDd
  • 999,99 x 1,25 = 1249,9875 z\u0142

Value Object

Encapsulating values as an entity

class Money {
    private $amount;
    private $currency;

    private function validateCurrency(string $currency) : bool {}
    public function multiply(float $multiplier) : Money {}
    public function changeCurrency(string $currency) : Money {}

    public function __construct(int $amount, string $currency)

        $this->amount = $amount;
        $this->currency = $currency;

class Money {
    private $amount;
    private $currency;

    private function validateCurrency(string $currency) : bool {}
    public function multiply(float $multiplier) : Money {
        return new Money(
            ceil($this->amount * $multiplier),
    public function changeCurrency(string $currency) : Money {}
    public function __construct(int $amount, string $currency)
        $this->amount = $amount;
        $this->currency = $currency;

class MareczekObserver implements Observer {
    private function dispatchMareczek(Money $howMuch, string $address) {}

    public function update(Subject $subject): void
        if ($subject->getStatus() === InvoiceStatus::OVERDUE) {


Encapsulating function call

abstract class InvoiceCommand
    abstract public function execute();
    abstract public function undo();
    abstract public function getLogData() : string;
    abstract public function serialize() : string;

class PayInvoiceCommand extends InvoiceCommand
    public function execute() {}
    public function undo() {}
    public function getLogData(): string {}
    public function serialize(): string {}

class DebugPayInvoiceCommand extends PayInvoiceCommand {
    private function debug($data) {}

    public function execute()

class ProfiledPayInvoiceCommand extends PayInvoiceCommand {
    private function startProfiling() {}
    private function stopProfiling() {}

    public function execute()

class ProfiledDebugPayInvoiceCommand extends PayInvoiceCommand {
    private function startProfiling() {}
    private function stopProfiling() {}
    private function debug($data) {}

    public function execute()

You could call that...

A fractal of bad design



Ads functionality dynamically

abstract class CommandDecorator extends InvoiceCommand {
    protected $decoratedCommand;

    function __construct(InvoiceCommand $decoratedCommand)
        $this->decoratedCommand = $decoratedCommand;

class DebugCommandDecorator extends CommandDecorator {
    private function debug($data) {}

    public function execute()

    public function undo() {$this->decoratedCommand->undo();}
    public function getLogData(): string {$this->decoratedCommand->getLogData();}
    public function serialize(): string {$this->decoratedCommand->serialize();}

class ProfileCommandDecorator extends CommandDecorator {
    private function startProfiling() {}
    private function stopProfiling() {}

    public function execute()

    public function undo() {$this->decoratedCommand->undo();}
    public function getLogData(): string {$this->decoratedCommand->getLogData();}
    public function serialize(): string {$this->decoratedCommand->serialize();}

$command = new DebugCommandDecorator(
    new ProfileCommandDecorator(
        new PayInvoiceCommand()


  1. Strategy - for algorithm encapsulation
  2. Factory method - for object creation encapsulation
  3. Abstract factory - for object family creation encapsulation
  4. Null object - gets rid of null, implements interface
  5. Observer - gets notified about Subject state change
  6. Value Object - encapsulation of complex values
  7. Command - encapsulation of a function call
  8. Decorator - add behavior without using inheritance


Pattern fever

Which just happens to be the name of my blog

Thank you for your attention!

@dwdmzr    dwdmzr    dwd.mazur


Feedback is very welcome

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